Daily Archives: 20'-03:00'-03:00 April'-03:00 2020

First impressions using deepin 20 a few hours ago.

I installed Deepin 20 Beta by random work. I certainly had my intention, but I wouldn't do it now with the Beta and in the midst of several projects in development. But an overheating in the SSD made me lose/corrupt many files, so hunger joined the urge to eat.

The system that is already the most beautiful, just got better. Now even more beautiful, cut and useful, with more micro functions and features.

There was an increase in new apps and existing apps have been optimized and/or improved. Like File Manager that now connects to network drives in a more practical, functional, and more resource-intensive way, fulfilling requests.

I had problems with the Kernel which was upgraded to version 5.3.0-42 shortly after installation, kept the original version and uninstalled this new one. The new version disabled the HDMI output, network ports and wifi. There were no bugs in the services, which I initially found considering to be a beta distro.

I will create an agenda and in the coming days I create a new post more useful.

It's not the case to make a recommendation, but if you ask me if I think you can install… Yes, I think they can. Back up everything and install, the danado is really beautiful.

Have you installed it yet? Leave your perceptions. You have questions, send here that we help in any way we can.

Installing NodeJS 13 on Deepin 20

Hello, follow the steps for installing NodeJS 13 on Deepin 20, currently in beta.

Download the installation file via the command:
wget https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_13.x

Edit file:na
no setup_13.x

Search for: DISTRO=$(lsb_release -c
-s)Switch to: DISTRO=bu
TRO=$(lsb_release -c -s)D

Now run installer:sud
o bash setup_13.x

The following instructions will follow from the installer i
tself:sudo apt-get install gcc g++

makecurl -sL https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/pubkey.gpg | sudo apt-key a

dd -echo "deb https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/ stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.li

stsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install yarn


Run: node -v
E be happy!