Site icon Daniel Sobrinho

Deepin 20 – New Information

Our large Deepin distribution, in its new version 20, is going through difficulties to release.

The developers reside in the city of Wuhan, center of the epidemic of Korona Virus. This whole chaotic situation has affected everyone's life, not just there, in the world.

Developers declare a release estimate in March/20. However, we have to consider the variation of the difficult scenarios faced by the people of that region.

We are voracious for news and sometimes this escapes the simple desire to see an update happening. Updating is required.

I myself honestly already see testing Debian/Ubuntu or even CentOS/Fedora with Deepin DE or KDE. It's serious rs!

If it were all so simple, but we have work machines. We run software always up-to-date and in sometimes "dangerous" environments, we need to take some care.

Among the day-to-day problems, we must necessarily have the firewall well configured. Here I use csf, do not know if I have articles about it, someone in need of support send in the comments.

Deepin is Deepin, but the abandonment of 15.11 for so long has been very "painful".