Linux directory structure

Understand the purpose of each folder, where files can be or where to place them according to your need.

  1. / – Root directory.
  2. /bin – Directory where are the executable files and essential system commands.
  3. /boot – Directory where are the files needed to start the system. This is where the Linux Kernel image is located.
  4. /dev – Directory where are the files of system devices, such as disks, cd-roms, terminals etc.
  5. /etc – Directory where the system configuration files are located.
  6. /home – Directory that is usually used by users.
  7. /lib – Directory where the essential system libraries used by /bin programs and Kernel modules are located.
  8. /lost+found – Directory that stores files retrieved after corruption.
  9. /media – Empty directory. It will contain subdirectories with reference to auto-mounted external storage devices by the system.
  10. /mnt – Empty directory. This directory is typically used for device mount points.
  11. /proc – Directory that has kernel and process information.
  12. /opt – Directory where installed applications that do not come with Linux are located.
  13. /root – Superusers(root) directory. In some distributions it may or may not be present.
  14. /run – Directory for temporary storage of files for running applications.
  15. /sbin – Directory where essential system files are, such as applications, utilities for system administration. Usually only the superuser (root) has access to the files.
  16. /srv – Directory for storage by service data system.
  17. /sys – Directory with system-specific files.
  18. /tmp – Temporary file directory.
  19. /usr – Directory of files belonging to users and the second largest hierarchy of directories in Linux.
  20. /var – Directory where variable information is stored to the system, such as log files etc…

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