Daily Archives: 8'-03:00'-03:00 February'-03:00 2018

Discovering the External/Valid IP of Your Internet Connection Via Linux Command Line

Several times working I had to identify the ip of the connection from where I was. Generally used the support of the meuip.com.br or whatismyip.com to get the answer. However, as usually this need occurred when using the computer via terminal, there was always that pause of opening the browser etc… solved my problem by creating a script for IP query via CURL. The service works via ip.dock.inf.br address, both via browser and also terminal, and in each with there is a different screen result, do the test.
For consultation via terminal you will need to have Curl installed, for this follow the commands:
Debian/Ubuntu ~#apt install curl
RedHat/CentOS ~#yum install curl

And to consult type:
~#curl ip.dock.inf.

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For English author leaders need to be brave

Being a good leader depends on countless factors. But one of them, according to Englishman Simon Sinek, is very important: the courage to protect teams and to risk when necessary

What is the main requirement of inspiring leadership? This is a question that generates many answers. And Englishman Simon Sinek, a management expert, found a satisfactory adjective: courage. For him, what makes professionals seen by their teams as excellent leaders is the ability to protect teams and the daring to risk. Simon is releasing in Brazil the book Líderes se Serve Último (44.90 reais, HSM) – and the metaphor of the title explains exactly what he believes to be the great role of a good people manager: developing teams, making subordinates the first to "feed". Only then can teams have the strength to produce and motivation to work.
YOU S/A – Your leadership theory says that great leaders put the interests of teams first and "eat last." Why is this attitude important?
SIMON- The metaphor "leaders eat last" relates to that of parents, who always feed children first – not because they read it in a book, not because they were taught, simply because they use paternal or maternal instinct. This instinct to care for people who depend on you can be applied to leadership. Leading is not about being in charge. It's about taking care of the people under your command. That's the real leadership. Leaders who eat last could even eat first, because the position allows. They could also get perks and advantages because of their position. But they don't. True leaders prefer to sacrifice their interests to take good care of the lives of the people who are part of their team – and never sacrifice the life of the team to take care of their own interests. They choose to eat last for the sake of honesty and loyalty. Leaders are the ones who protect. And when people feel safe, they pass that security on to their peers, customers, and consumers.
YOU S/A – Your book shows the evolution of the leadership of the Paleolithic era to this day. What were the cave time leaders like?
SIMON- What makes someone a leader in the Paleolithic era and today is exactly the same thing. What evolves are the conditions in which we operate. In the Paleolithic, we lived in caves in tribes that had between 100 and 150 people. Our leaders were strong and great men – and there were alpha men. Back then, the point was to survive. The strongest men, the "alphas," were able to withstand heavy loads, find food, and protect the tribe from danger. Because of this, they had the privilege of owning the tribe's first choice of meat (to feel stronger and continue hunting) and the first choice of companion they would like to have (to ensure that the best genes were perpetuated).
YOU S/A – Did they have these privileges because they took good care of the tribe?
SIMON – There was an anthropological code of what it meant to lead in the Paleolithic, which is the same to this day: the leaders allow preferential treatment for the leader. But this has a cost, the leader has to act according to the collective interest. If the leaders give the leader all the benefits and he doesn't protect them from danger, he's not a real leader. Leadership is a service. Service comes with sacrifice. If there is no sacrifice, there is no service, no leadership.
YOU S/A – What characteristics make someone an exceptional leader?
SIMON – The requirement to be a leader is not to have vision or charisma. It's courage. Leading means we have to take the first step, that we have to put the rope around our necks to stand up for what we believe in. All good leaders are brave and courage is not something that miraculously arises within you. Our courage comes from the courage of others, from those who did something before us and who look us in the eye and say, "I believe in you. You can do that." Characteristics such as self-centrism and greed end with the meaning of the word lead. Leadership is about taking care of the people you're responsible for. Those who forget this are not leaders, they are simply authorities who command using tools such as fear or the need that the employee has to keep that job. But we don't follow these professionals. We follow good leaders not because we need to, but because we want to.
YOU S/A – What are the differences between managers and leaders?
SIMON- Managers worry about improvements. Leaders worry about jumping ahead. Managers focus on systems, metrics, processes and results. Leaders keep the focus on the perception of how the team's actions influence the results. Managers look at the numbers. Leaders look at the "we." All metrics managers have the opportunity to become people leaders.
VOCÊ S/A – Brazil is facing an economic crisis and, at the same time, a crisis of institutional leadership. In companies, what do leaders need to do to combat their teams' disbelief?
SIMON- Become better leaders. Leadership is not a marketing campaign. It's not about convincing people, it's about taking care of people. Leadership is not about sending a message. It's about the message itself. Think of Dr. Martin Luther King: 250,000 people have been listening to him speak closely. There were no email reminders, Facebook campaign, or hashtags to attract this crowd. They all came together because they had something in common – believing in an America in which laws should be equal to everyone, regardless of skin color, religion, or economic class. Dr. King was able to create a strong movement at a time of crisis because he didn't just sit there waiting for a better future. He didn't make the "I have a plan" speech. He gave the "I have a dream" speech and turned into words what he craved. With that, Dr. King gave us a world that we could be a part of and in which we could contribute. He didn't want to try to prove how he could solve it on his own. He created the conditions (and the desire) for us to do it together, beside him.

Text copied from: https://goo.gl/VGBl2q

Image taken from: https://goo.gl/Bmwquh

Have intellectual humility to make better decisions

Canadian writer Dan Gardner co-authored the book "The Lessons of Superanalysts", along with psychologist and social scientist Philip Tetlock. In the book, based on research of more than twenty years, they argue that most of the predictions made by analysts are stuck, but that there is a small group that can hit long-term scenario readings above average because they use scientific rigo for this. In the following interview he tells a little about one of the most important characteristics of these superpredictors: humility.
YOU S/A – You define it as optimistic skeptics. Why is that?
Dan Gardner – People tend to go to extremes when it comes to predictions. At one end they do not investigate the history of the specialist and rely without hesitation on their prognoses. At the other extreme are the skeptics. We position ourselves in the middle ground because although we believe that our desire to predict is greater than our ability to get it right, we also know that there is some ability to anticipate situations. We will never be seers and gurus able to see the distant future, but some improvements can make a real difference.
YOU S/A – Why is intellectual humility important?
Dan Gardner – Intellectual humility means you can put aside the absolute certainty of your beliefs. Everything is a matter of probability – a choice about something ranging from 1% to 99%. This "probabilistic thinking" is an essential tool for good decision making. And finally, humility means that you know that people make mistakes and that – since you are also a person – you can also make them. This is what psychologists call metacognition, which makes individuals more likely to constantly ask themselves if they are right in their actions and thus correct mistakes.
YOU S/A – In Brazil we are living in a time of political and economic uncertainty in which many people tend to make very inflexible positions. Why does this happen?
Dan Gardner – In a Dutch study volunteers were asked to identify the physiological signs of fear. For one group of employees it was said that they would receive 20 strong electric shocks and for another 17, however, interspersed between light and strong. Then the shocks were given. Who experienced the most fear? The last group because they never knew if the shocks would be mild or intense. We have a deep psychological aversion to uncertainties and so we move away from positions that consider their existence.
Text copied from: https://goo.gl/k7KtnE
Image taken from: https://goo.gl/nGPPCQ

How to exchange the DNS of the router, fleeing from hackers who generate the connection error and steal data on the internet.

Whether experienced or new hackers, internet evil entrepreneurs, everyone has used an old strategy, but it is still effective and easy to make money or capture information. This is the intrusion of routers and internet connection modems and the exchange of the standard data of the DNS Servers of the connection.

Sometimes we receive the equipment of the telephone companies and our only concern is to learn what the reset button is for, where to connect the cables and finally make the equipment work and therefore the internet. But there are some idea steps that don't even come in the instruction manual.

Some equipment comes with its security features open and making them accessible externally to our home or company, so hackers access and change login data and targeting the internet connection. This is possible thanks to the user and default password that comes registered, being for both: "admin", or even "admin" and "12345"… Unlikely and difficult-to-figure variations don't you think?

Anyway, how to make the internet safer? To be comprehensive and assist everyone, I will give general and non-specific explanations for each device. So everyone will be able, following knowledge, to solve their problem.

Let's go step by step:

1º) Discover the IP for access to the router or modem, the so-called Gateway: For this access in your operating system the network connection, ask for properties and look for the details field. In this detail you can identify the gateway number, which can be such as:"" or "" or "" or ""… you will not shy away from this pattern if you have received direct from your mobile operator.

2º) Accessing the router or modem: Having the IP number of the Gateway, enter this address in your browser (Chrome or Firefox or Internet Explorer, any program that uses to access websites). Below your modem or router may contain described login data, but if you are not try the user and password standards: admin and admin or admin and 12345 or Admin and Admin… if these patterns still don't work, search for the data informing the device model on Google.

3º) I accessed and what should I do? On the connection configuration screen there will be at least two fields destined to the IPs of the DNS servers of your connection. In this field you will inform, informing or replacing those that are, the following IPs in the fields: DNS 1: and DNS2:

4) Change the access data to the modem or router: In the security area of your equipment will be available settings of access users or even the single user access. We recommend keeping the user as admin but make the change of password for something not so obvious, this new password can be written and pasted on the underside of the equipment, so that you always have access when in fact you are near and reconfiguring it.

5º) Close remote access to the modem or router: Another relevant point is to inhibit someone outside your home has access to the management of your equipment, for this also in the security area, disable the item Remote Access or External Access.

After saving all these actions your device should restart and renew your internet connection.

Ready! From this moment on your internet connection will be seeking information for connection through Google's servers, free of government and insurance problems.

If you are still interested in increasing the effectiveness of this action, you can configure DNS sevidores directly also on your Operating System, will be the same DNS servers of Google, but a different procedure, this one that I can explain in the future.

If you need to get in touch, it will be wonderful to be able to assist.

This article was motivated by the massive identification of this problem and the financial losses that some people are having, this by accessing through malicious targeting cloned websites of banks and having their data stolen. We seek to assist in a better experience with the Internet and make it safer for your daily use, however it is important to point out that we will not be responsible for your configuration actions in your equipment, being your full responsibility. We are providing generic information that certainly helps, but everyone should understand their limitations about technological knowledge and know the time to call a specialized technician for this action.