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Disable native notifications in browsers

There is unidentified unwanted behavior regarding the native receipt of notifications received through browsers such as Google Chrome and Firefox on some Linux desktops, such as Deepin for example.

What occurs is the lack of the notification toast closing button and/or the lack of timing for auto closing, becoming a permanent item of the screen until it clicks to its completion. This "error" occurs because of the behavior of the most commonly used library on linux desktops.

For "correction", or behavior change, notifications a less costly and more practical alternative is disabling native browser notifications. Thus all notifications will become web push type, with natural behavior of the browser of auto closing and layout itself.

So far we have not done enough tests to state that there will be no losses with loss of notifications, however we can say yes that notifications will not be eternal on your screen, by the default timing native of browsers.

To disable the native Google Chrome notification do the following:

Access in browser: chrome://flags/#enable-system-notifications

And change the value to: Disabled

To disable native notification in Firefox do the following:

Access in the browser: about:config

Search for the key: alerts.useSystemBackend

And change the value to: false

After the change is made remember to restart the browser to ensure the effectiveness and use of the new configuration.

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