Deepin 20 repositories in Brazil

Brazilian Mirrors for the Deepin v20.

Open the Terminal and typ
e:sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

In the file you open, replace all the information with any of the lines below:

Federal University of Paraná (UFPR)

deb[by-hash=force] apricot main contrib non-free

University of São Paulo (USP)

deb[by-hash=force] apricot main contrib non-free

Paulista State University (UNESP)

deb[by-hash=force] apricot main contrib non-free

Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM)

deb[by-hash=force] apricot main contrib non-free

Next, in The Terminal type:s
udo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade

Source: @deepinbrasil / Author: Alex Wender